What we achieve

With the largest online presence in the German pro-life movement, we reach hundreds of thousands of people every month with our harrowing and life-saving content.

What we're achieving is already significant. Since the beginning of 2020, we've also been on social media and have been growing ever since.

Illustration von „Erfolg“

At least 4 mothers have decided against an abortion when they saw what abortion does to an unborn child.

I also wanted to abort mine but thanks to your site I didn't and instead rather separated from the man who urged me to do so than from my child!

Facebook user

Are you already following us on social-media? Invite your friends and family to become part of the pro-life movement. Be a voice for the silent and the weak!

People follow us directly on the various social networks.

People we reach every month with our harrowing content.

Mothers have decided against abortion after all because of our eye-opening posts.