What we do

We report daily on the latest news surrounding pro-life topics. We publish poignant pictures and stories. Most people know little about abortion, the implications on the unborn child, mothers, or the current state of the situation in Germany and the world. 

inspire & activate

We want as many people as possible to know the truth about abortion and to have their eyes and hearts opened by our content. We reach hundreds of thousands month after month with our images, videos and stories. 

We expose abortion as a grave injustice and we create an environment where life is the top human rights priority. We mobilize activists and give them the tools and resources needed to educate their communities about the right to life. 

Join tens of thousands of other pro-life activists on social media and share this important message! We exist to show people that abortion is the greatest human rights violation of our time. We want to motivate everyone to take action themselves. After all, everyone should be allowed to have a birthday

Jemand hält in der Fußgängerzone ein Schild mit der Aufschrift „Keine Giftspritze für die Ungeborenen, Kranken und Beschuldigten“ hoch.
Illustration Frage


We cover stories and disseminate facts that the mainstream media often refuses to cover - including news and internals from the abortion industry, as well as reports that highlight the dignity and humanity of unborn children - inspiring our readers to defend the most vulnerable in our society.